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I can't wait to get you started on the 4 Cycle Solution. It's so simple to follow because it uses four Macro-Patterning cycles that work together, in a strategic sequence, to help you QUICKLY strip off stubborn fat. You'll start out by first becoming "adapted" to burning PURE fat with 7 days of your fastest fat loss EVER. Then you'll progressively move through the other three cycles.

As you'll see, the 4 Cycle Solution is specifically designed to "prime" your metabolism and hormones for continuous progress to KEEP you motivated, while getting rapid results as you move through all 4 cycles. And that's what makes Macro-Patterning different than the rest. No more suffering through restriction and calorie deprivation. Your diet will no longer cause you to miss out on the fun things in your life.

The Step-By-Step Scientific Solution!

The EASIEST Step-By-Step Scientific Solution to QUICKLY Strip Off Stubborn Fat—Without Losing Muscle OR Sacrificing Your Favorite High Carb Meals. A Sensible Food Solution That Puts You In TOTAL Control of Your Fat Loss Your Hormones and Your Metabolism!

It's a simple decision once you really think about it: AVOIDING carbs for the rest of your life is NOT realistic. That's the beauty of Macro-Patterning. You don't have to be perfect. It's all about consistency NOT perfection. Did you fall off track for a day or two? Maybe a few weeks? NO worries. Just continue where you left off and you'll have your body burning fat again in just a day or two. It's incredibly simple, once you get started. Even though 4 Cycle Solution delivers very extreme fat loss results, especially the first week, it's a lifestyle—NOT a diet.

That's why there are NO "forbidden" foods. You'll feel "healthy", instead of hungry all the time—with LIMITLESS food options. It's YOUR life. Eat what you want! Just make sure you're strategic about it by using the system below. Follow your biological instincts. You have to eat to survive, so why not ENJOY it! Eat to thrive, not just survive. Rid your life of the super-complicated diets and fitness plans once and for all. Use a plan that matches your lifestyle. Our philosophy has always been the "KISS" principle: Keep It Stupid Simple. Here you'll discover...

  • A simple 7 day nutrition trick that completely shuts off your body's "addiction" to burning sugars and triggers your body to use fat FIRST for energy every time you eat or exercise...
  • How to END Your Body's "Addiction" To Burning Nothing But Sugars and REPROGRAM YOUR BODY—to burn the fat FIRST, not LAST (and keep it off for good)
  • The easiest way to feast on LOTS of carbs and NEVER store them as fat (incorporate carbs into your nutrition plan to feel "healthy", NOT hungry all the time—with LIMITLESS food options).
  • The 4 PROVEN cycles of Macro-Patterning Nutrition where you use a strategic sequence of Deplete Days along with higher Carb UP days and Carb DOWN days to "outsmart" your metabolism and legitimately FORCE stubborn fat to be your "go to" energy source while STILL enjoying all your favorite foods all year round.
  • An optional 12 minute exercise protocol perfectly laid out to synergistically work with Cycle 1 to create the fastest fat loss possible in ONLY 7 short days, while unleashing a powerful hormone cocktail to make you look and feel YOUNGER. And much more...

Each cycle can also be used individually...

Even though all 4 cycles are set up in a specific order to get you're the FASTEST, most strategic results possible... Each cycle can also be used individually as a "stand alone" diet so you can ANYTIME!

Cycle 1 is the PERFECT 7 day cycle to use the week before... OR the week after a holiday, vacation or special event because it "primes" your metabolism for extra carbs and cheat foods... WITHOUT getting fat!

Cycle 2 incorporates Carb DOWN and Carb UP days, which allow you to easily plan ahead so you NEVER store your favorite high carb foods as fat.

ANYTIME you start a diet or exercise plan it's ALWAYS EASY to lose the first few pounds... but your body quickly adapts and FIGHTS against your fat loss efforts. Although it can be used any time you want... Cycle 3 is the ULTIMATE two week cycle to use after a layoff or a food binge.

The "Diet Break" cycle is specifically designed to create a NEW metabolic set point for your body that allows you to eat MORE to burn MORE, while still being able to lose fat. EVERYBODY wants to take a break from dieting, especially during the summer or holiday season, but NOT if it makes you FATTER. That's why you LOVE cycle 4!

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